

1. I book two tickets for the nine o'clock show. 我預約兩張九點那一場的票。

2. Let's get some popcorn to eat during the movie. 我們去買些爆米花看電影時吃。

3. Oh, no! We' ve missed the trailers. 喔,糟糕!我們錯過預告片了。

4. Don’t forget to turn off your cell phone after entering into the movie theather. 進電影院時,不要忘記關手機。

5. I never stay through the credits. 我從不留下看完幕後製作名單。

I am looking forward to see a blockbuster named "The Bourne Ultimatum" this week.
ps: blockbuster 百事達租片店名。意指熱門、當紅的電影片。
The Bourne Ultimatum 神鬼認證(三):最後的通碟

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